Saturday, December 2, 2006

We're moving to Siberia

Well not quite, but you would think so if you saw my house right now.
We are heading off for a week to spend on Rottnest Island. This used to be a simple affair - a few pairs of bathers and a CD player.

I even remember travelling throughout Greece with only a day pack each for my husband and I. But then we had children and our world changed.
So this year, instead of throwing a towel and thongs and a few shirts into a bag on Saturday morning before heading down to Freo to catch a ferry, I have started planning weeks in advance.

All this has been complicated by the ongoing issue of poo and spew, which has slowed in my youngest but my dear husband has picked up the slack now and is sick as a dog. But at least dogs are sick outside (well some are).

Anyhoo, now we have three full-sized and one mini suitcases. One has clothes for my hubbie and I.

The rest is kids stuff.
1. Clothes for both. Two pairs of pyjamas each, summer clothes in case it is hot, jumpers and trackies in case it is cold. Undies and nappies, socks, bibs, hats, bathers, coats. You can never take November weather for granted in Perth!

2. Food for both. Toddler porridge and numbers spaghetti (it is all the little guy will eat). Baby rice, baby oatmeal, formula, bottles, teats, pre-made mashed food, milk arrowroots, rusks, chocolate (that's for me though)

3. Toiletries. Low flouride toothpaste, baby toothbrushes. Teething mix, baby panadol, benadryl, baby clarantine (we all suffer terribly from hayfever over there), toddler suncream, baby gastrolite (well in case this gastro thing continues)

4. Toys. About 10 Thomas trains and rails etc. Thomas the tank matching game. Thomas the Tank dominos. Thomas the tank books (see a pattern here>) Bike and trailer, sand toys, sun shelter, balls, baby toys - teddies for bed. Wiggles CDs.

5. I am sure there will be more, but I havent managed to pack it yet. Oh yes, camera, video camera, film for both (I still live in the dark ages).
Even better, we get there by boat which involves cramming two prams on a packed Saturday ferry. But at least its not next week and we dont have to share the ferry with pissed 17 year olds heading over to Rotto for leavers.

As for our house, hey this is East Victoria Park. Last year when we went to Rotto we were gone less than 24 hours when a neighbour thwarted an attempted break-in. Ah the joys...

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just a suburban housewife