Saturday, December 9, 2006

grotty underwear on parade

This morning we took the boy down to swimming lessons. We all head down nice and early to the new pools at Somerset St and it is very nice and shiny. Swimming lessons are fairly expensive in my opinion, which is why, possibly, there are a lot of well dressed mothers there.

I dont know where they come from really. Perhaps they are from Kensington or South Perth. Even Victoria Park. But not East Vic Park. East Vic Park is a bit too grotty for their blow-dried hair and beaded necklaces. And MAKE-UP! Now I do love make-up and I love nice clothes and I really, really love getting dressed up. But not on a Saturday morning and not at the local pool.

Anyhow, knowing that the Saturday-morning mums are a fairly well dressed sort, I actually make the effort to have a shower and wear clean clothes. Well, not my pyjamas anyway.

But, as always, mornings are a rush. Saturday mornings more so because we actually have to be fed and dressed and out the door before nine.

So, as usual, I jumped in the shower, jumped out, grabbed my jeans off the floor (where I left them last night), pulled on a clean shirt (a designer one at that) and ran out the door to the waiting car with my dear husband, the two-year old and the little miss.

We rushed the short drive to the pool and we rushed in. The little guy ran ahead, followed by dad carrying the bags and then me carrying the baby.
As we walked to the littlies pool (the far end of the centre) I felt something falling down the legs of my pants. And there it was. I was HORRIFIED to see that yesterday's undies (or knickers for the classier amongst us) had just fallen out of my jeans.

Before I thought to just keep walking I turned around and picked them up and then looked up to see if anyone had noticed. Oh and boyo they had - the event happened right in front of a bench full of Saturday-morning mums and dads and they saw the whole thing. Some looked disgusted, some looked amused, some looked away in embarrassment for me.

But they had all seen my grotty, worn, once-were-blue but now a bit stretched and faded, Friday undies.

Unfortunately I then had to sit through a whole half-hour swimming lesson, feeling totally and utterly undignified.

Did it matter that I was wearing Sass and Bide on top? NO because I have grotty, Target undies underneath and now everyone knows so.

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just a suburban housewife