Saturday, December 2, 2006

questions of fasion, taste and age

I have a dilemma - it is a beautifyl Wayne Cooper bubble dress.
My dilemma is not that it is too expensive on my housewife wage, nor is it that I have nowhere to wear such a pretty frock (both are true but not prohibitive).

No, my dilemma is whether or not I am too old to wear a bubble skirt.
My mum, who is my style guru, has an expression "never re-visit a fashion". In other words, if you wore it the first time around, you will look too old and silly to wear it this time.

This advice, along with other pearls of mum-fashion-wisdom has kept me from looking like a total idiot in the past few years. But the bubble dress is an issue - it is reminiscent of a dress I wore to my year seven formal in 1988.

Now 1988 was a wonderful year for music and fashion. If you like Rick Astley and Bros. Which I do (tee hee I do love the anonyminity of this blog).

I also wore polka dots (which I have allowed myself to wear this year) , rara-skirts, figure-belts and a nice, kylie-esque perm (which I will never do again). But, at 30, will I look silly in a bubble skirt??

Of course, having somewhere to wear it would help the decision. My social calendar is so far - wiggles concert, Honeypot playgroup Christmas party.

No one would really appreciate the beauty of a Wayne Cooper frock at these do-s and I may end up with nasty stains in the process (similar to my last Wayne Cooper frock which came to an untimely demise thanks to a full glass of red wine).

Oh at Christmas time I do long for pink champagne and parties where grown-ups get pissed and say silly things to the boss / client / mail-boy. I long for buying new clothes just for these parties.

Perhaps I would not be too old if I wasnt too tired. But I am tired and sunken eyes and exhaustion don't go well with designer frocks.

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just a suburban housewife